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To perform and observe the action of heat on crystals of ferrous sulphate and classify the reaction.

 AIM: To perform and observe the action of heat on ferrous sulfate crystals and classify the reaction.

Materials Needed

Ferrous sulfate crystals (FeSO₄·7H₂O), Bunsen burner, Test tube, Test tube holder, Safety goggles, Heat-resistant mat or stand.


Ferrous sulfate (FeSO₄·7H₂O) is a blue-green crystalline compound. When heated, it undergoes dehydration and decomposition.

The action of Heat on Ferrous Sulfate

  1. Dehydration:

    • Reaction: FeSO4.7H2O(s)   →(heat)   FeSO4(s) + 7H2O
    • Observation: The green crystals lose water and turn white.
    • Type of Change: Physical change (loss of water).
  2. Decomposition:

    • Reaction:
    • Observation: The white powder turns brown, releasing sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and sulfur trioxide (SO₃) gases.
    • Type of Change: Chemical change (formation of new substances).
Step 1: About 5 g ferrous sulphate crystals in a dry boiling tube is taken.
Step 2: The colour of the ferrous sulphate crystals is noted.
Step 3: The boiling tube is heated.
Step 4: The colour of the crystals after heating is observed.
Step 5: A gas is evolved which is smelled.
Step 6: A wet blue litmus paper is brought near the mouth of the boiling tube.


  • Color Change: The green crystals turn white as they lose water, and then turn brownish upon further heating.
  • Decomposition: A gas with a characteristic pungent odor (SO₂) is released during the decomposition.
1.When heated, ferrous sulphate crystals are decomposed to produce Ferric oxide, sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide.
2. Such reactions are called decomposition reaction.


  • Always wear safety goggles while performing the experiment.
  • Use a test tube holder to hold the test tube to avoid burns.
  • Conduct the experiment in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhaling gases produced during decomposition.


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