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Forest Society and Colonialism

Introduction to the Chapter:

This chapter focuses on the changes brought about by colonial rule in India's forests and the consequences for the forest-dependent communities.

Deforestation During Colonial Rule:

Deforestation refers to the depletion of forests and their resources.

Colonialism intensified deforestation in India, affecting the environment and indigenous communities.

Causes of Deforestation:

Expansion of cultivation due to a growing population.

Demand for wood for railways and sleepers.

Establishment of European plantations (tea, coffee, rubber).

Encouragement of commercial crops by the British.

Impact on Indigenous Communities:

Indigenous communities, such as Adivasis, faced significant hardships.

They were often employed in logging but not allowed to use the resources for their own needs.

Global Examples of Deforestation:

Deforestation was not limited to India; it was a global issue.

For example, in the United States, Native American lands and bison habitats were destroyed for agricultural purposes.

Role of Railways in Deforestation:

The expansion of railways in India demanded large quantities of wood for fuel and sleepers.

The transition from Traditional Occupations:

The forest department's control of forests led to both gains and losses for different communities.

New trade opportunities in forest products arose for some, while pastoralist and nomadic communities lost their livelihoods.

Rebellions Against Change:

Many forest communities rebelled against the changes imposed by the British.

Leaders of these movements, such as Siddhu, Kanu, Birsa Munda, and Alluri Sitarama Raju, resisted colonial policies.

A Case Study: The Rebellion in Bastar (1910):

Bastar, in Chhattisgarh, witnessed a rebellion against forest reservations and oppressive policies in 1910.

The rebellion targeted colonial officials and traders associated with these policies.


The chapter emphasizes the global issue of deforestation during the colonial period.

It highlights the resilience of indigenous communities who resisted colonial policies that disrupted their traditional ways of life.


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