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Cervical Cancer: Understanding, Causes, Spread, and Prevention

  Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide. However, it is also one of the most preventable and treatable cancers when detected early. This blog provides an in-depth look at what cervical cancer is, why it occurs, how it spreads, and how it can be prevented. What is Cervical Cancer? Cervical cancer begins in the cells of the cervix—the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. When healthy cells in the cervix undergo changes (mutations) in their DNA, they begin to grow uncontrollably and form tumors. There are two main types of cervical cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The most common type, originating in the thin, flat cells lining the outer part of the cervix. Adenocarcinoma: Develops in the glandular cells of the cervix that produce mucus. Why Does Cervical Cancer Occur? The primary cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) . However, several other factors contribut...



  • Segment polarity genes establish and organize the anterior-posterior (AP) pattern within each segment during development.
  • They divide segments into compartments and specify their identities.
  • Examples include wingless (wg), engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), and patched (ptc).
  • Pair-rule genes establish a periodic gene expression pattern in alternating segments along the AP axis.
  • Segment polarity genes properly establish polarity and identity within each segment.
  • Pair-rule genes like even-skipped (eve) and hairy (h) are expressed in seven stripes.
  • Segment polarity genes like wingless (wg) and engrailed (en) divide segments into anterior and posterior compartments.
  • Segment polarity genes interact with other genes to form regulatory networks.
  • They regulate downstream genes involved in cell fate determination, proliferation, and segment-specific differentiation.
  • Mutations in segment polarity genes lead to developmental defects in segment pattern, identity, and polarity.
  • They are essential for establishing the initial pattern and subsequent differentiation of structures within segments.
  • Segment polarity genes ensure the proper formation and differentiation of body segments in organisms like Drosophila.


Wingless (Wg) signaling:

  • Wg is a secreted protein that acts as a signaling molecule.
  • Wg signaling is involved in specifying the identity of cells in the anterior compartment of each segment.
  • Wg is produced and secreted by cells in the posterior compartment of each segment.
  • The Wg protein forms a gradient, with a higher concentration in the posterior compartment and gradually decreasing towards the anterior compartment.
  • Wg binds to its receptor, Frizzled (Fz), on the cell membrane of target cells in the anterior compartment.
  • Binding of Wg to Fz activates downstream signaling pathways, primarily the canonical Wnt signaling pathway.
  • Activation of the canonical Wnt pathway leads to the stabilization and nuclear translocation of a transcriptional co-activator called β-catenin/Armadillo.
  • β-catenin/Armadillo then interacts with transcription factors to regulate target gene expression.
  • The activation of Wg signaling in the anterior compartment helps specify the identity and developmental fate of cells in that region.

Engrailed (En) signaling:

  • En is a transcription factor that plays a critical role in establishing the posterior compartment identity of each segment.
  • En is expressed and confined to the cells in the posterior compartment.
  • En acts as a transcriptional repressor and regulates the expression of target genes involved in posterior compartment development.
  • The expression of En is regulated by a combination of signaling pathways, including Hedgehog (Hh) signaling.
  • Hh, produced by cells in the anterior compartment, diffuses into the posterior compartment and activates En expression.
  • En, in turn, represses the expression of Wg in the posterior compartment, contributing to the formation of the compartment boundary.
  • The boundary formed by En expression helps maintain the compartmentalization and polarity within each segment.


Definition and Discovery:

  • Homeotic genes, also known as Hox genes, are a group of genes that control the identity and fate of body segments during development.
  • They were first discovered through genetic studies in Drosophila, where mutations caused transformations of one body segment into another.

Hox Genes in Drosophila:

  • In Drosophila, homeotic genes are organized into two major gene clusters: the Antennapedia complex (ANT-C) and the Bithorax complex (BX-C).
  • The ANT-C cluster contains five genes (labial, proboscipedia, Deformed, Sex combs reduced, and Antennapedia) that determine the identity of head and thoracic segments.
  • The BX-C cluster contains three genes (Ultrabithorax, abdominal-A, and Abdominal-B) responsible for specifying the identity of posterior thoracic and abdominal segments.
  • Each gene within the clusters is expressed in specific segments and controls the development and patterning of that segment.

Conservation and Function:

  • Homeotic genes are highly conserved across animal species, including humans.
  • They play a fundamental role in specifying the body plan and ensuring proper development along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis.
  • Homeotic genes provide positional information to cells during embryonic development, allowing them to differentiate into appropriate cell types for their specific segment.

Regulation and Mechanism of Action:

  • The expression of homeotic genes is regulated by a combination of transcription factors and signaling pathways.
  • Their expression is tightly controlled along the AP axis, with specific genes being activated or repressed in a segment-specific manner.
  • Homeotic genes encode transcription factors that bind to specific DNA sequences (Hox response elements) and regulate the expression of downstream target genes.
  • They work in a hierarchical manner, where more anteriorly located genes repress the expression of more posteriorly located genes, establishing the regional identity of each segment.

Mutations and Developmental Defects:

  • Mutations or disruptions in homeotic genes can lead to severe developmental defects, including transformations of one body segment into another.
  • These transformations are often referred to as homeotic transformations.
  • For example, a mutation in a homeotic gene may cause legs to develop in place of antennae or wings to develop on an incorrect segment.
  • These defects highlight the essential role of homeotic genes in specifying segment identity and ensuring proper patterning during development.


Egg Patterning:

  • The process of dorsal-ventral axis formation begins during oogenesis (the development of the egg).
  • Maternal effect genes, such as bicoid and nanos, establish an initial anterior-posterior (AP) gradient within the egg, which subsequently influences dorsal-ventral patterning.
  • The localized deposition of these maternal effect gene products creates a concentration gradient along the AP axis of the embryo.

Dorsal Protein Gradient:

  • The localization of dorsal protein plays a crucial role in dorsal-ventral axis formation.
  • Dorsal protein is initially present throughout the syncytial embryo but is uniformly distributed.
  • Dorsal protein concentration becomes asymmetric due to the interaction of the Toll receptor with the Spätzle ligand, which is activated at the ventral side by proteolytic cleavage.
  • This activation triggers a signaling cascade that results in the nuclear localization of the dorsal protein on the ventral side, while the dorsal side remains devoid of nuclearly localized dorsal protein.

Dorsal-Ventral Patterning:

  • The localized dorsal protein acts as a transcription factor and regulates the expression of downstream target genes.
  • The dorsal protein activates the expression of ventralizing genes, such as twist and snail, on the ventral side of the embryo.
  • These ventralizing genes play a role in the development of ventral structures and cell types.
  • On the dorsal side, the absence of nuclearly localized dorsal protein allows the expression of dorsalizing genes, such as decapentaplegic (dpp), zerknüllt (zen), and short gastrulation (sog), which contribute to dorsal patterning.

Dorsal-Ventral Axis Refinement:

  • Several feedback mechanisms and interactions between signaling pathways refine and maintain the dorsal-ventral axis.
  • Dpp, produced on the dorsal side, diffuses ventrally and forms a concentration gradient.
  • Dpp signaling regulates the expression of genes such as zen and sog, which control the ventral expression of the dorsal protein.
  • The ventral expression of the dorsal protein is restricted by the Sog protein, which acts as a dorsal protein antagonist.
  • This interplay between positive and negative regulators helps refine the boundaries of dorsal and ventral gene expression domains.

Germ Band Extension:

  • As development progresses, the germ band extends and folds, resulting in the establishment of the body plan.
  • The dorsal-ventral patterning established earlier guides the development of specific tissues, organs, and structures along the dorsal-ventral axis.


Generation of Donor Flies:

  • The experiment begins by generating donor flies that carry the desired genetic modification or transgene of interest.
  • This can be achieved through techniques such as P-element-mediated transformation or CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing.
  • The transgene can encode a fluorescent marker or a specific protein to track the modified cells in subsequent generations.

Germ Cell Transplantation:

  • In order to create germline chimeras, donor germ cells are isolated from the donor flies.
  • The germ cells can be obtained from embryos or the gonads of donor flies.
  • The isolated germ cells are then introduced into the germ line of recipient flies, which can be either early-stage embryos or sterile recipient flies.

Incorporation of Donor Cells:

  • The transplanted donor germ cells have the potential to contribute to the formation of eggs or sperm in the recipient flies.
  • These donor cells carry the genetic modification or transgene and can be distinguished by the expression of a marker protein or fluorescence.

Germline Transmission:

  • Following the incorporation of donor cells, the recipient flies are allowed to mature and mate.
  • The progeny of these crosses are examined for the presence of the genetic modification or transgene in their germline.
  • If the modified cells successfully contribute to the germline, the genetic modification can be passed on to subsequent generations.

Analysis of Phenotypic Effects:

  • The progeny of the germline chimeras are analyzed to determine the phenotypic effects of the introduced genetic modification.

  • This analysis can involve assessing the presence of the transgene or monitoring the expression of a fluorescent marker.
  • Researchers can study the effects on development, morphology, behavior, or any other traits of interest


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