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Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants revision notes


Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants revision notes

  • Reproduction is important for continuation of species and life.
  • There are two types of reproduction: asexual and sexual.
  • Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical offspring without the fusion of gametes.
  • Organisms can reproduce asexually through fragmentation, budding, spore formation, binary fission, conidia formation, and gemma formation.
  • Fragmentation occurs when multicellular organisms break into fragments, which grow into new individuals.
  • Budding is the most common method of asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms, where one or more outgrowths (buds) develop into new individuals.
  • Spore formation occurs in Chlamydomonas through flagellated, motile zoospores that can grow independently into new individuals.
  • Binary fission occurs in Chlorella, Diatoms, and Chlamydomonas.
  • Conidia formation occurs in Penicillium.
  • Gemma formation occurs in Marchantia.

Vegetative Reproduction :

  • Plants can reproduce asexually through their vegetative parts, resulting in genetically identical offspring.
  • Agriculture and horticulture use vegetative reproduction to propagate desired varieties of plants.
  • Cutting is a method where a small piece of a vegetative part of a plant with one or more buds is used for propagation.
  • Grafting involves joining parts of two plants so they grow as one, with scion joined onto a rooted plant called stock.
  • Budding is a type of grafting where only one bud is joined onto the stock.
  • Tissue culture is a method where a small amount of plant tissue is grown to give many plantlets, also known as micropropagation.

Sexual Reproduction :

  • Sexual reproduction involves fusion of two compatible gametes.
  • Plants reach maturity before they can reproduce sexually.
  • Flowers are specialized reproductive structures in plants.
  • The flower produces haploid gametes and ensures fertilization.
  • A typical flower has four whorls: calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium.
  • Sexual reproduction involves meiosis, fusion of gametes, and genetically dissimilar offspring.
  • Variations are useful for the survival and evolution of species.
  • The process of sexual reproduction is divided into pre-fertilization, fertilization, and post-fertilization stages.
  • The male reproductive whorl of a flower is called androecium.
  • The individual member of androecium is called stamen, which consists of filament, connective, and anther with two anther lobes (theca).

Structure of Anther :

  • Anther is tetrasporongiate, with each lobe containing two pollen sacs.
  • The archesporial cell differentiates into an inner sporogenous cell and an outer primary parietal cell.
  • The sporogenous cell gives rise to the microspore tetrad, while the parietal cell forms the anther wall layers.
  • The mature anther wall consists of four layers: epidermis, endothecium, middle layer, and tapetum.
  • Epidermis is the outermost protective layer made up of flattened cells.
  • Endothecium is a sub-epidermal layer made up of radially elongated cells with fibrous thickenings.
  • Middle layer is a thin-walled layer made up of 1-2 layered cells that may disintegrate in mature anther.
  • Tapetum is the innermost nutritive layer that encloses the sporogenous tissue.

Microsporogenesis :

  • Each microspore mother cell divides meiotically to form a tetrad of haploid microspores (pollen grains).
  • The typical pollen grain is a non-motile, unicellular body with a single nucleus, surrounded by a two-layered wall called sporoderm.
  • The outer layer, exine, is thick and made up of a complex, non-biodegradable substance called sporopollenin.
  • Exine may be smooth or sculptured and is resistant to chemicals.
  • Germ pores are thin areas in the exine meant for the growth of the emerging pollen tube during germination of the pollen grain.
  • The inner wall layer, intine, consists of cellulose and pectin.

Development of male gametophyte :

  • Pollen grain marks the beginning of male gametophyte
  • It undergoes first mitotic division to produce bigger, naked vegetative cell and small, thin walled generative cell
  • The vegetative cell is rich in food and having irregular shaped nucleus
  • The generative cell floats in the cytoplasm of vegetative cell
  • The second mitotic division is concerned with generative cell only and gives rise to two non-motile male gametes
  • The pollen grains are shed from the anther, at this two- celled stage in most of the angiosperms
  • Female reproductive whorl of flower is gynoecium (Pistil)
  • Individual member of gynoecium is called carpel (megasporophyll)
  • A flower with many, free carpels is called apocarpous (e.g. Michelia)
  • A syncarpous flower is one that has many carpels fused together (e.g. Brinjal)
  • Typical carpel has three parts viz, ovary, style and stigma
  • The number of ovules in the ovary varies e.g. paddy, wheat and mango are uniovulate whereas tomato and lady’s finger are multi ovulate

Structure of Anatropous ovule :

  • Each ovule is attached to the placenta of the ovary by a funiculus.
  • The most common type of ovule in angiosperms is anatropous with the micropyle directed downwards and adjacent to the funiculus.
  • The ovule consists of central parenchymatous tissue called the nucellus, which is surrounded by two protective integuments.
  • The narrow opening at the apex of the ovule is called micropyle and the base of the ovule opposite to the micropyle is called chalaza.
  • The embryo sac, which is the female gametophyte, is an oval, multicellular structure embedded in the nucellus.

Megasporogenesis : 

  • Megaspore mother cell (MMC) is a diploid cell.
  • It becomes differentiated in the nucellus towards the micropylar end of the ovule.
  • The process of formation of haploid megaspores from MMC is called megasporogenesis.

Development of female gametophyte :

  • Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to form linear tetrad of haploid cells i.e. megaspores
  • The lowest megaspore towards the center of the nucellus becomes the functional megaspore, which is the first cell of female gametophyte
  • The functional megaspore undergoes three successive, free nuclear mitotic divisions to form a seven-celled and eight-nucleated structure called an embryo sac
  • The embryo sac consists of the large central haploid egg cell, two supporting haploid synergid cells, and three haploid antipodal cells at the chalazal end
  • The two haploid polar nuclei of the large central cell fuse to form a diploid secondary nucleus or definitive nucleus just prior to fertilization
  • Female gametophyte development is endosporous within the megaspore and is concealed in the ovule enclosed by the ovary.

 Pollination :

  • Abiotic Pollination: In this type of pollination, pollen grains are carried from one flower to another by non-living agents like wind and water. Wind pollination is the most common type of abiotic pollination.
  • Biotic Pollination: In this type of pollination, pollen grains are carried from one flower to another by living agents like birds, insects, and other animals.
  • Self-Pollination: It occurs when the pollen from the anther of a flower is transferred to the stigma of the same flower or to another flower on the same plant. It results in inbreeding.
  • Cross-Pollination: It occurs when the pollen from the anther of one flower is transferred to the stigma of a flower on another plant of the same species. It results in outbreeding.


  • Pollination of a bisexual flower by its own pollen grains
  • Offsprings are genetically identical to their parents
  • Examples include pea and Clitoria


  • Transfer of pollen grains to the stigma of a different flower produced on the same plant
  • Functionally similar to cross-pollination, but cannot bring about genetic variations
  • Only of ecological significance
  • Example includes Cucurbita maxima
  • Pollen grains come from the same plant

Xenogamy (cross-pollination/outbreeding):

  • Pollination where pollen grains of one flower are deposited on the stigma of a flower of a different plant belonging to the same species, with the help of a pollinating agent
  • Generates genetically varied offspring
  • Majority of flowering plants depend on the transfer of pollen grains
  • Virtually all seed plants need to be pollinated
  • Most food and fiber crops grown throughout the world depend upon pollinators for reproduction.
  • Pollination agents are responsible for the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower, which is necessary for fertilization and reproduction.
  • Pollination agents can be divided into two categories: abiotic agents and biotic agents.

 Abiotic Agents

  • Abiotic agents are non-living agents that include wind and water.
  • Wind pollination (anemophily) is the most common form of abiotic pollination.
  • Anemophilous flowers have small, inconspicuous, colorless flowers without nectar or fragrance.
  • Pollen grains produced by anemophilous flowers are light in weight and produced in large numbers.
  • Stigmas of anemophilous flowers are feathery to trap pollen carried by the wind.
  • Stamens of anemophilous flowers are exserted with long filaments and versatile anthers.

Biotic Agents

  • Biotic agents are living agents that include insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles.
  • Entomophily is pollination by insects and is the most common form of biotic pollination.
  • Flowers pollinated by insects have colorful petals and produce nectar and fragrance to attract pollinators.
  • Pollen grains of insect-pollinated flowers are sticky or spiny to adhere to the bodies of pollinators.
  • Birds, bats, and some insects also pollinate flowers that open at night (nocturnal pollination).
  • Mammals and reptiles (e.g., bats, mice, and lizards) are important pollinators for some plant species in certain regions.

Pollination by wind (Anemophily) :

  • Most important crop plants are wind pollinated, such as wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley, oats, and palms.
  • Anemophilous flowers are small, colorless, and lack nectar and fragrance.
  • Pollen grains are light, dry, and produced in large numbers.
  • Stigma is feathery to trap pollens carried by wind currents.
  • Stamens are exserted with long filaments and versatile anthers.

Pollination by water (Hydrophily) :

  • Found only in some 30 genera of aquatic monocots, such as Vallisneria, Zostera, and Ceratophyllum.
  • Hydrophilous flowers are small and inconspicuous.
  • Perianth and other floral parts are unwettable.
  • Pollen grains are long and unwettable due to the presence of mucilage.
  • Nectar and fragrance are lacking in flowers.
  • Hydrophily is a type of pollination that occurs in aquatic plants.
  • Hydrophily can be divided into two types: hypohydrophily and epihydrophily.
  • In hypohydrophily, pollination occurs below the surface of water where the pollen grains are heavier than water and sink down to be caught by stigmas of female flowers.
  • In epihydrophily, the pollen grains float on the water surface and reach the stigma of female flower.
  • Specific gravity of pollen grains is equal to that of water, which is why they float on the surface of water.
  • Some aquatic plants are anemophilous and some are entomophilous.

Biotic Agents:

  • About 80% of plants require the help of living creatures such as insects, birds, bats, and snails to transfer their pollens from one flower to another.
  • Biotic agents sustain ecosystems and produce natural resources by helping plants to reproduce.

Pollination by insects (Entomophily):

  • Occurs in plants such as Rose, Jasmine, Cestrum, etc.
  • Adaptations in entomophilous flowers:
  • They are large, showy, and often brightly colored.
  • The flowers produce sweet odors and have nectar glands.
  • The stigma is rough due to the presence of hair or is sticky due to mucilaginous secretion.
  • The pollen grains are spiny and surrounded by a yellow sticky substance called pollen-kit.
  • Some plants have special adaptations, such as the lever mechanism or turn-pipe mechanism in Salvia, to help in cross-pollination.

Pollination by birds (Ornithophily):

  • Only a few types of birds are specialized for pollination.
  • Flowers are usually brightly colored, large and showy.
  • They secrete profuse, dilute nectar.
  • Pollen grains are sticky and spiny.
  • Flowers are generally without fragrance, as birds have poor sense of smell.

Pollination by Bats (Chiropterophily):

  • Bats can transport pollens over long distance.
  • Flowers are dull colored with strong fragrance.
  • They secrete abundant nectar.
  • Flowers produce large amounts of edible pollen grains.

Pollination by insects (Entomophily):

  • Occurs in plants such as rose, jasmine, and cestrum.
  • Flowers are large, showy and brightly colored.
  • Flowers produce sweet odor and have nectar glands.
  • Pollen grains are spiny and surrounded by a yellow sticky substance called pollen-kit.
  • Some plants have special adaptations for the insect visitor to help in cross-pollination, e.g. lever mechanism or turn-pipe mechanism in Salvia.

Outbreeding devices (contrivances)

  • Many plants prevent self-pollination to increase genetic diversity.
  • Plants have evolved various sexual strategies to encourage cross-pollination.
  • Examples of outbreeding devices include unisexuality (dioecism), dichogamy (protandry and protogyny), prepotency, heterostyly (heteromorphy), herkogamy, and self-incompatibility.
  • Unisexuality involves plants bearing either male or female flowers, preventing self-pollination.
  • Dichogamy involves anthers and stigmas maturing at different times in bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.
  • Prepotency refers to pollen grains from other flowers germinating more rapidly on the stigma than pollen from the same flower.
  • Heterostyly involves plants having different forms of flowers with stigmas and anthers at different levels to prevent pollination by the same flower.
  • Herkogamy is a mechanical device that physically separates the sex organs in a flower to prevent self-pollination.
  • Self-incompatibility is a genetic mechanism that inhibits pollen germination on the stigma of the same flower.

Pollen - Pistil Interaction 

  • Pollen-pistil interaction is the process of interaction between pollen grains and the stigma, which begins with pollination and ends with fertilization.
  • The interaction is essential for sexual reproduction and seed formation.
  • The pistil has the ability to recognize and accept the right or compatible pollen of the same species while discarding the wrong or incompatible pollen.
  • Compatibility and incompatibility of pollen-pistil is determined by special proteins.
  • The compatible pollen absorbs water and nutrients from the surface of stigma, germinates, and produces a pollen tube that grows through the style, determined by specific chemicals.
  • The pollen tube finally reaches the ovule and ruptures to release the contents in one of the synergids, leading to fertilization.
  • Pollen-pistil interaction involves intense competition even in compatible pollen grains.
  • Pollen grain can be induced to germinate in a synthetic medium using sucrose, and boric acid facilitates and accelerates pollen germination.

Artificial hybridization :

  • Hand pollination is a major approach used in crop improvement.
  • It involves selecting and using only the desired pollen grains for fertilization.
  • This is achieved through emasculation and bagging procedure, where unwanted male reproductive organs are removed and the female reproductive organs are protected by a bag.
  • Hand pollination ensures that only desirable traits are passed on to the next generation, leading to improved crop yield and quality.

Double Fertilization 

  • Double fertilization is a complex fertilization mechanism in flowering plants.
  • After a pollen grain has reached the surface of the stigma, it forms a pollen tube that penetrates the ovary chamber and enters the ovule.
  • The growth of the pollen tube is guided by the chemicals secreted by the synergids, and it usually enters the ovule through the micropyle.
  • The pollen tube carrying male gametes penetrates one of the synergids and absorbs the watery contents.
  • The pollen tube ruptures, releasing the two non-motile male gametes, and siphonogamy ensures fertilization takes place.
  • Syngamy is the fusion of haploid male gamete with haploid female gamete (egg) to produce a diploid zygote, while triple fusion is the fusion of the second haploid male gamete with the diploid secondary nucleus producing primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) that develops into triploid endosperm.
  • Both the male gametes participate in fertilization, making it a double fertilization process.
  • Double fertilization plays an important role in sexual reproduction and seed formation in angiospermic flowering plants.

Significance of Double Fertilization :

  • Double fertilization is a unique feature of angiosperms where two fertilizations occur after the pollen tube enters the ovule.
  • The first fertilization is the fusion of the haploid male gamete with the haploid female gamete to form a diploid zygote.
  • The second fertilization is the fusion of the other haploid male gamete with the diploid secondary nucleus to form the triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN).
  • The zygote develops into an embryo, which grows into a new plant.
  • The PEN develops into the nutritive endosperm tissue.
  • Double fertilization helps to ensure that the parent plant invests in the development of a seed with a food store only if the egg is fertilized.
  • Double fertilization also helps to avoid polyembryony

Development of Endosperm 

  • The primary endosperm nucleus is triploid and divides mitotically to form endosperm tissue.
  • The endosperm develops after post-fertilization changes in the ovule.
  • The embryo and endosperm develop simultaneously.
  • Other cells in the embryo sac disorganize over time.
  • The triploid endosperm nucleus triggers cell division and formation of endosperm.

Nuclear Type

  • This type of endosperm is the most common in 161 angiospermic families.
  • The primary endosperm nucleus divides mitotically without wall formation, producing free nuclei.
  • A central vacuole appears, pushing the nuclei to the periphery.
  • Walls develop between nuclei to form multicellular endosperm, but in some cases, cell wall formation remains incomplete.
  • Wheat, sunflower, and coconut are examples of plants where cell wall formation is incomplete.
  • Coconut has multicellular endosperm in the outer part and free nuclear as well as vacuolated endosperm in the center.

Cellular Type :

  • In some plants, the triploid primary endospermic nucleus immediately forms cell walls after division.
  • This results in cellular endosperm from the beginning.
  • This type of endosperm is mostly observed in 72 families of dicots.
  • Examples of dicot plants with cellular endosperm include Balsam, Petunia, and Adoxa.

Helobial Type :

  • This type of endosperm occurs in the order Helobiales of monocotyledons.
  • The first division of the primary endosperm nucleus is followed by a transverse wall, dividing the cell unequally.
  • The smaller cell is called the chalazal cell, and the larger cell is the micropylar cell.
  • The nuclei in each cell divide by free nuclear divisions, and then walls develop between nuclei in the micropylar chamber.
  • This type of endosperm is intermediate between cellular and nuclear type endosperm.
  • Asphodelus is an example of a plant with this type of endosperm.

Development of Embryo 

  • Embryogenesis is the process of developing a zygote into an embryo.
  • The embryo is developed at the micropylar end of the embryo sac.
  • The growth of the embryo begins after a certain amount of endosperm is formed.
  • After fertilization, the zygote divides to form a two-celled proembryo.
  • The suspensor cell divides transversely to produce a filamentous suspensor of 6-10 cells.
  • The lowermost cell of the suspensor is known as hypophysis.
  • The embryonal initial undergoes three successive mitotic divisions to form octant.
  • The lower tier of four cells of octant gives rise to hypocotyl and radicle, whereas four cells of the upper tier form the plumule and the one or two cotyledons.
  • The hypophysis gives rise to the part of the radicle and root cap.
  • The cells in the upper tier of octant divide in several planes to become heart-shaped, which then forms two lateral cotyledons and a terminal plumule.
  • The development of the embryo is similar in both dicots and monocots up to the octant stage, after which differences appear.
  • In monocot embryos, a single cotyledon occupies the terminal position, and the plumule is lateral. The single shield-shaped cotyledon is called the scutellum, and the protective sheaths of plumule and radicle are called coleoptile and coleorhiza, respectively.
  • Finally, the ovule is transformed into the seed, and the ovary into the fruit.

 Seed and Fruit Development :

  • Reproduction in plants involves creating offspring for the next generation through seed formation.
  • Pollination is necessary for seed and fruit production.
  • Seed development is initiated by fertilization, and the integuments of the ovule transform into the seed coat.
  • Seeds can be endospermic or ex-albuminous, depending on whether the embryo absorbs all the food reserves from the endosperm during its developmental stages.
  • Fruits provide nourishment and protection to developing seeds, and seeds serve as important propagating organs of the plant.
  • Dormancy is a temporary state of metabolic arrest that facilitates survival during adverse environmental conditions, and viable seeds will not germinate until after completion of the dormancy period.


  • Apomixis is a type of reproduction where embryos are formed without the formation of gametes or the act of fertilization.
  • Embryos develop in the ovule and eventually form seeds.
  • The two main categories of apomixis are recurrent and non-recurrent apomixis, with a third category called adventive embryony.
  • Recurrent apomixis involves the embryo sac arising from an archesporial cell or nucellus cells, while in non-recurrent apomixis, a haploid embryo sac is formed from the megaspore mother cell and the embryo arises from the egg through parthenogenesis or other haploid cells through apogamy.
  • Adventive embryony involves the development of embryos from somatic nucellus or integuments and can result in polyembryony.
  • Apomixis allows for the production of genetically identical plants quickly and effectively.


  • Parthenocarpy is the development of fruit without fertilization.
  • It occurs naturally in some varieties of Pineapple, Banana, Papaya, etc.
  • In these plants, the placental tissue in the unfertilized ovary produces auxin IAA which is responsible for the enlargement of ovary into fruit.
  • The fruit resembles the normally produced fruit but it is seedless.


  • Polyembryony is the development of more than one embryo inside a seed.
  • It was first noticed in Citrus seeds by Leeuwenhoek in 1719.
  • Additional embryos result from the differentiation and development of various maternal and zygotic tissues associated with the ovule of the seed.
  • Polyembryony may be true or false depending on whether many embryos arise in the same embryo sac or in different embryo sacs in the same ovule.
  • In adventive polyembryony, an embryo develops directly from the diploid cell of nucellus and integuments.
  • In cleavage polyembryony, the zygote proembryo sometimes divides into many parts or units, each of which develops into an embryo.
  • Polyembryony increases the chances of survival of new plants.
  • Nucellar adventive polyembryony is significant in horticulture.


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